本周•【金融高端论坛】 (12月9日)
时间:2016-12-02【本期主题】Board Diversity, Inventor Collaboration, and Corporate Innovation
Many firms often tout their commitment to diversity, sometimes appointing racial minorities to their board of directors. We analyze the effect of board diversity on corporate innovation. We hypothesize that an important channel through which firms with diverse boards achieve greater innovation success is to create an inclusive environment that attracts key human capital and fosters collaboration. We find that firms with more ethnically diverse boards employ more active and collaborative inventors, attract more minority inventors, and promote greater collaboration among inventors with different ethnic backgrounds. These outcomes in turn lead to corporate innovation success.
【报告人】李晓阳 长江商学院金融学与经济学助理教授
【时 间】12月09日 上午10:00
【地 点】明德主楼515B室
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李晓阳教授现为长江商学院金融学与经济学助理教授,李晓阳教授于2011年获得美国密歇根大学金融学博士,之前在加拿大女皇大学获得管理学硕士学位。 2011年8月起在长江商学院任教,主要讲授公司金融,收购与兼并,和互联网金融等课程。他的学术成果曾发表于金融经济学杂志(Journal of Financial Economics),公司金融杂志(Journal of Corporate Finance),世界经济 (World Economy)和劳动研究杂志 (Journal of Labor Research)。其他评论文章包括“金融创新治理雾霾”发表于《财经》,“金融改革应尊重市场意愿”发表于《新京报》。 他的观点曾被彭博(Bloomberg),华尔街日报(Wall Street Journal)南华早报(South China Morning Post),Financial Times中文网等媒体报道和引用。2013年,被评为新京报优秀青年经济学人。