时间:2016-03-15【本期主题】¬Manager Sentiment and Stock Returns
In this paper, we construct a manager sentiment index based on the aggregated textual tone of conference calls and financial statements. We find that manager sentiment is a strong negative predictor of future aggregate stock market returns, with monthly in-sample and out-of-sample R2 of 9.75% and 8.38%, respectively, which is far greater than the predictive power of other previously-studied macroeconomic variables. Its predictive power is also stronger than and is complimentary to the popular investor sentiment indexes. Moreover, manager sentiment also negatively predicts future aggregate earnings and cross-sectional stock returns, particularly for those firms that are either hard to value or difficult to arbitrage.
【报告人】姜富伟 中央财经大学金融学院副教授
【时 间】03月18日 上午10:00
【地 点】明德主楼0509室
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姜富伟,中央财经大学金融学院副教授。2014年毕业于新加坡管理大学,获得金融学博士。他的主要研究领域包括资产定价,预测,市场异象,行为金融,投资,创业与创新,中国金融市场。他的研究成果在Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Portfolio Management, Journal of Financial Research, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 等国际高水平金融期刊发表。主要讲授《金融实证研究方法》、《金融市场与金融机构》等课程。